Showcase everything you’ve learned this semester by putting together a professional online web presence. This is worth half your grade. Do not rest on the laurels of your previous work and make sure you address any issues from previous projects.
Don’t assume that because you received a certain grade in the previous project that you’ll get the same grade for this project, I want to see progression towards a final, professional site.
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Bootstrap 4 Essential Training, CSS: Animation, Motion Design with CSS
- You’ll be graded on how we’ll you’ve progressed towards your final project this entire semester.
- You will receive a deduction if you don’t address issues I’ve mentioned before either in class or through email, other assignments, notes in your submissions, etc.
- All previous assignment criterias regarding HTML and CSS validation, plus turning in projects apply
- Are you using the bootstrap grid in creative and meaninful way? Use of the grid is critical for this assignment.
- If I was your client for this site, how satisfied would I be that it is a professionally designed and coded site
- Is the code well written? Tidy? Well spaced and indented?
- If I was a developer who hired you as part of my company to create this site, how satisfied would I be with your code?
- If you used a template or some other code, how well did you adapt the original so that it’s more than copying and pasting.
- How well do I believe you understand what you’re doing on this site based on the code you wrote.