Advanced CSS Layouts

Create a project that uses uses flexbox and media queries to layout out a document. DO NOT use floats or inline elements.

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Read These

display, flex, flex, Flexbox Guide

Watch These

CSS Flexbox First Look, Introduction to Flexbox

General Expectations

  • Use a Github repo and place this inside a projects folder under it’s own folder
  • Use any of the styles on this page and any previous styles, but no others
  • You may use a copy of the previous HTML project
  • You must use external style sheets ONLY
  • All HTML must validate using the w3c validator (-50 points)
  • All CSS must validate using the csslint (-30 points)
  • Links to your project must work (-50 points)

Lesson Expectations

  • Use media queries to create variable layouts. (-50 points)
  • Use Only flexbox features for layout. No floats on inline-block elements allowed. (-50 points)
Create a Page Using Intermediate CSS Create a Page Using CSS Layout