Installing Requirements

Let's take a look at the tools we'll need to get started installing a React Project with Create React App.


Before you get started, you'll need to have some tools pre-installed on your computer to work on this project.

You'll need a copy of Git installed. Git is a version control system that lets you keep track of and collaborate on projects.

If you're on a PC when you install Git you have the option of installing an App called Gitbash, which lets you use Linux commands on a PC.

You'll also need a copy of Node.js, which is used to manage the project.


A couple of optional tools will also make your life easier. First, I highly recommend you install the React Developer Tools. They allow you to inspect what's going on with React in Realtime.

I'll be using Visual Studio Code for this project, so there's a couple of extensions that will really help. The first is a series of React Snippets that will make youre life easier when working with React.

The second is a series of snippets for JSX, the language that react projects are based on.


npm uninstall -g create-react-app
cd ~/Desktop
npx create-react-app reactinterface
cd reactinterface
npm start

You can create a React app with a tool called Create React App. It's a much simpler way to create projects, but it does require that you have npm (which comes with node.js) 5.2 or higher.

If you have a previous version of the create React App Project, you can uninstall it with the command seen here.

Otherwise you can use your terminal application to run the following commands.