Windi CSS: Is it a Tailwind CSS Killer?

When it was released, Tailwind CSS is of those frameworks that made everyone notice. Popularity, breeds competition and there's a contender that's been gaining ground called WindiCSS. Let's take a look at why you'd want to consider it, and then we'll build something with it.

Tailwind's utility based approach is a bit controversial, but it's perfect for today's component focused frameworks like React and Svelte. I've really grown to enjoy it.

The problem with Tailwind CSS 2 is that it has a ton of classes which will create large files unless you use the PurgeCSS option.

WindiCSS was created to solve some of these problems with a JIT compiler that is a central part of how it works. Newer versions of Tailwind introduced something called the JIT compiler to fix this, which will be a standard when version 3.0 comes out soon.

  • Fully compatibile with Tailwind v2.0
  • Zero dependencies: no PostCSS or Autoprefixer
  • First class integration: Vite, Rollup and it also offer it's own CLI, if you want to roll your own build process.
  • Condensed manual
  • Additional Features

Variant Groups

  • Variant Groups#

Group variants with parenthesis

<div class="bg-white dark:hover:(bg-gray-800 font-medium text-white)"/>

Extended Breakpoint Control

Extended responsive breakpoint control gives you a way to declare better ranges of media queries.

<div class="p-1 md:p-2 <lg:p-3"></div>

Reusable components

Quickly combine utilities to create reusable components using a windi.config file. The regular Tailwinds can do the same, but I think the configuration is a bit easier to follow in WindiCSS without the @apply keyword.


export default {
  shortcuts: {
    'btn': 'py-2 px-4 font-semibold rounded-lg shadow-md'
<div class="btn">More Info</div>

RTL Support

Right to left support for languages that need it.

<div class="text-green-400 rtl:(text-red-400 text-right)"></div>

Visual Analyzer

You can use a visual analyzer through npx, or by downloading the VSCode extension. It gives you some excellent information about your application.


The newest version of TailwindCSS has one advantage and that's the CDN JIT version, which lets you build a custom css file from a CDN. That makes it easier to do demos, but iit means that you're going to need a build process to try out Windi. There is, however a cool online playground.

A visual analyzer tool for Windi CSS. Browse your utility usages, get an overview of your design system, identify "bad practices", and more!