What's New in Tailwind CSS 3

Tailwind CSS 3 is a new version of the utility-first CSS framework that shook the world a few years ago. Let's take a look at why it's gotten so dominant so quickly and what's changed in the latest version.

Early in December 2021, Tailwind CSS released a version 3 of the framework. The main changes in this version had been pioneered since version 2.1. Before we go over the specifics, let's go over how it works and what makes it a compelling option for component based architectures.

Tailwind CSS is a utility based framework. Here's why thats cool. If we take a look at a regular site, like my own raybo.org, it's built on Bootstrap and Eleventy. When a website loads up a site like this, it goes through a series of stylesheets in order to calculate what to display.

So the utility based approach lets you more explicitly define what you're doing and never worry about the styles affecting your current element. I know, it sounds crazy, but it works really well.

There's a few places where something like Bootstrap is superior. Tailwind CSS is just that...a CSS framework. Bootstrap, however, provides a lot more functionality