Using the Exercises

Like tailwind, this course is a little bit different than most of my other courses. There are not exercise files, but you can find the code for this course on Github and Codpen.

To get the code simply go to

This will take you to a slideshow with all of the links you'll need for the course.

At the bottom of the slideshow you'l find a navigation toolbar. You can hit the t key to show or hide the toolbar.

You can also find links to the Github Repository for the course as well as contact information.

If you hit the m key, you'll see an index of all of the slides for the course. If you click on a slide that slide will play on your monitor.

At the beginning of each slide, there is an overlay with a link to each of the slides. If you're watching the video, you can jump to each of the slides at that URL.

To move through the slides you can use the arrow keys.

The slides are fully interactive, so you can click on buttons or interact with the code on screen.

If you click inside a text area and get stuck, just double click towards the top of the slides.

You also have access to a micro site with all of my notes for this course, Just open up the slide index by hitting the m key and then click on notes.

You can navigate to each of my notes on the left navigation and on the right go through each of the sections on slides.

If you want to go back to slide view click on the icon to the right of the index.

A lof of the slides have links to Codepen demos where you can follow along with me on code or try it yourself.

Towards the beginning of the course, you can get to a github repo that has some of the code for the course. The link to the repo is at the bottom of the slides.

The repository is built so that there are branches for each of the videos in the course.

You can use this Branch popup right here to switch to a specific branch and take a look at the code at that stage.

For example, the branch titled 01_02 would show you the code on Chapter 1 and show the 2nd Video in that chapter. If you see a letter b at the end of the name, it means that’s how the code looked at the beginning of the video, if you see an e at the end of the branch, that’s how the code looked at the end of the video.

If you want to, you can download the course by clicking on the code button and then choosing one of the options like Open with CodeSpaces or Github Desktop.

If you’re familiar with terminal commands, you can also download the repo by using the clipboard icon to copy the link.

We recommend that you download the main branch and issue an NPM install command.

You can also look at the code or download any of these branches by going to the branch popup first, and then using the Code button. That way you can download the ZIP file for the specific video you want to follow along with.

You may want to install node.js, which has npm as well as gulp before you do this.

If you need more experience working with Git and GitHub, do a search for Learning Git and Github in our library.

If you’re comfortable with this, then let’s get started.