Box Alignment

Once you have items on a flexbox or grid layout, you can control how those items fit inside those layouts.

Space Between

  • space(-DIR)(-AMT)
    • DIR

      x y
    • AMT

      0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

      5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16

      20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52

      56 60 64 72 80 96 px reverse

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I often just want to put some space in between elements. I know I could use a list, but then I'd have to undo some of the other spacing. Tailwind gives you a real easy set of classes to take care of that.

You get the typical scale from 0 to 96, plus px, which means one pixel.

There's a reverse options when you are using a reverse flex. like when you're using space-x-2 with flex-row-reverse you'd add space-x-reverse.

You can use these without flex on simple items like divs or display blocks, but they work real well with flex items.

Justify Content

  • justify(-DIR)
    • DIR

      start end center
      between around evenly

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Justify content works with either grid or flex items and let you control how elements are postioned in the main axis.

justify-start places items at the beginning, justify-end puts them at the end, justify-center centers them.

Then there's a set of justify classes that spread items around justify-between makes sure there is equal space between the items. justify-around does the same thing, but puts equal space on each side. Finally justify-evenly does the same thing as justify around, but gets rid of the double space.

All of this is better with some samples.

Justify Items

  • justify-items(-DIR)
    • DIR

      auto start end center stretch

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Specifically for grid items, you can control how items are placed within their axis. This is similar to Justify Content.

justify-items-auto is the default, which looks the same as justify-items-stretch which stretches the items to fit their grid lines.

justify-items-start makes the items align to the beginning of the grid lines, justify-items-end aligns the items to the end, and justify-items-center aligns them to the center of the grid.

Justify Self

  • justify-self(-DIR)
    • DIR

      auto start end center stretch

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Justify self is similar to Justify items, but applies to a single element.

In the example, you can see that I've set all of the items to use a justify-items-auto layout, but each of the green ones uses one of the other classes.

Align Content

  • content(-DIR)
    • DIR

      center start end

      between around evenly

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Align Content works with flex and grid containers and align based on the cross axis.

The classes are pretty straightforward and much like the justify content classes with content-evenly

In the example, I've given each of the containers a height of 40 units and made sure that the elements that have been aligned have been sized to full heights.

Align Items

  • items(-DIR)
    • DIR

      center start end

      baseline stretch

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Align Items lets you control how different rows are position on flex and grid containers. The example shows you the differences.

Most are straightforward, but take a look at items-baseline. It's slightly different than items-center. Although the text is different sizes, the browser will try to align the baselines when placing the elements.

Also, notice that I have no heights, just different padding on the items which gives them the extra heights.

Align Self

  • items(-DIR)
    • DIR

      center start end

      baseline stretch

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Align self lets you control the alignment of individual items. Notice that self-auto and self-stretch look the same.

Place Content

  • place-content(-DIR)
    • DIR

      center start end

      between around evenly stretch

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Place content lets you take care of justifying and aligning at the same time and you'll see that it's very similar to the content classes, but the names are a combination of content and align.

Place Items

  • place-items(-DIR)
    • DIR

      auto start end center stretch

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Similarly place items controls how items are justified and aligned.

Place Self

  • place-items(-DIR)
    • DIR

      auto start end center stretch

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Place self lets you control individual items inside place content containers, helping you justify and align them..